Have you recently made a decision to follow God or want to find out more about the next steps of your Christian faith?

Giving your life to Jesus is the most incredible decision you can make. But what next? Here you’ll find some helpful steps to guide you as you begin your new journey of faith.



  1. Understand your salvation

  2. Read the Bible

  3. Join a church

  4. Find a friend

  5. Resources

1 – Understand your salvation

Where to start?


When Jesus died on the cross for us, an incredible exchange happens. If we admit we have messed up (the bible calls this sin) we can receive the forgiveness of God through Jesus.

A great picture of this: imagine you are in filthy rags and you come to the cross. Jesus takes your filthy rags on him and gives you a sparkling, clean outfit (Isaiah 64:6). So that now when God looks at you, he doesn’t see mess but he sees the righteousness (right ness) of Christ. You are clean and free to have an incredible on-going relationship with God.

2 – Read the Bible

Where to start?


The Bible is a big book and it can be a daunting thing to know where to begin. We recommend starting with Mark’s Gospel or one of the other Gospels — Matthew, Luke, John. This will help you understand who Jesus is and provide some practical teaching as you explore Christianity further.

There are many ways for you to explore the Bible and many different translations — find one that you feel you can understand and that also stays true to the original text. There are plenty to explore on biblegateway.com or youversion.com.

You could also watch this video from Bible Project on how to read the bible.

Watch this short clip from questionmark.tv that explores where to start with reading the Bible.

Watch now

3 – Join a church

Where to start?


Churches come in all shapes and sizes and it can be a difficult decision to find the right place for you. Maybe you have lots of options on your doorstep, or you may live somewhere where the choice is limited to one or two.

Regardless of what your options are, God’s intention is that we meet together as the body of Christ (the Church). Colossians 3:16 says that we should let the scripture dwell in us – “teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Matthew 18:20 says that “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

Watch this short clip from questionmark.tv that explores how to get connected with a church.

Watch now

4 – Find a friend

Where to start?


Faith doesn’t always come easy. Finding a friend or mentor as you begin your journey of faith will help provide the encouragement you need to keep going.

Watch this short clip from questionmark.tv that explores how to find someone who can go on the journey with you.

Watch now

5 – Resources

Below are some resources to read, watch and listen to that you might find helpful as you continue your journey of faith.



Mere Christianity

From the writer of The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis forms a pragmatic argument for the existence of God. First published in 1952, Mere Christianity brings clarity of thought to the Christian faith and helps to form a deeper understanding of our morality and serves as an introduction to basic Christian theology.

View on Amazon

What’s So Amazing About Grace?

Award-winning author, Philip Yancey, explores the vast subject of grace through real-life accounts of grace in action and the life-changing power that’s found through simple acts of grace.

View on Eden.co.uk

God Has A Name

John Mark Comer’s conversational writing style makes this an accessible book if you’re new to Christianity, yet the questions around who God is and what he is like are answered with the deepest profundity.

View on Amazon



Christianity.org.uk is a great place to start exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Answering questions such as ‘Who is God?’, ‘What is God like?’ and ‘What is a Christian?’

Visit Christianity.org.uk





BibleProject is a great platform for understanding the Bible better. With a whole host of animated content that breaks down the story of the Bible in a simple, accessible way, BibleProject is perfect for anyone wishing to delve deeper into the Bible and better understand how it all leads to Jesus.




Pray The Word

Pray The Word is a daily podcast from pastor and author, David Platt. These short 3mins episodes are a great way to start the day, meditating on God’s word and leading us to prayer.

Daily Hope

Daily Hope is pastor Rick Warren’s Monday-Friday podcast where he brings practical teaching for everyday life, inspiring faith and hope from the word of God.